Average Size: Medium Dog
Average Height: 60cm
Average Weight: 30kg
Life Expectancy: 11 years
Activity Level: Medium
Breed Characteristics:
They do not require an enormous amount of daily exercise, but they certainly are not the ideal breed for apartment dwellers or people who live alone and work long hours. They tend to bond well with children and enjoy participating in family activities like hiking, swimming, picnicking, running and the like. Regular walks will suit most GSDs just fine; many also enjoy off-leash romps. Obedience training is a must for any German shepherd.
To combat boredom, mental exercise is excellent for the GSD. They are extremely intelligent and, like many other breeds, enjoy working with their owners. German Shepherds thrive in advanced obedience work and on agility courses. They also can thrive with regular games of fetch with a stick, ball or Frisbee.
German Shepherds can be trained to do almost any task set before them. They are smart, bold, alert, and single-minded when necessary and eager to please their people. They are powerful but still agile. While highly trainable, they should be socialized and trained young in life. This requires a firm, consistent and kind handler. German Shepherds frequently project dominance if they feel that they can get away with it, which is unacceptable in a companion animal living in a world filled with dogs, cats, children and other distractions.
A German Shepherd Dog can provide years of loyal companionship and faithful service. Because of their size, trainability, self-confidence and poise, proper training and socializing is very important. People without the time or dedication to commit to really working with their German Shepherd should perhaps select a different breed. Those who are willing to devote the time and energy to train their GSD properly will find their investment returned tenfold in a well-adjusted, loyal family companion.
They do not require an enormous amount of daily exercise, but they certainly are not the ideal breed for apartment dwellers or people who live alone and work long hours. They tend to bond well with children and enjoy participating in family activities like hiking, swimming, picnicking, running and the like. Regular walks will suit most GSDs just fine; many also enjoy off-leash romps. Obedience training is a must for any German shepherd.